Yup..ang naka lami sa mosfet mu auto relax siya dayon nya safe imong circuitry sa imo pusil but dili siya advisable kung kusog ang imong spring gi gamit
What is AEG MOSFET and Active Braking System?
Interactive MOSFET and Active Braking Guide
Courtesy of PsyphyerVII (The great Mosfet Master of AEG): It was created by PsyphyerVII and posted at Airsoft Mecahnics to help people that have limited knowledge in electronics and understand the purpose of these devices
Interactive MOSFET and Active Braking Guide
« on: May 28, 2007, 08:10:26 PM »
http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/1889/mosfetpr3.swf (Flash 8 required)
Point your cursor at the Diagram selection and select from the 3 choices then move your cursor at the Trigger Picture and start clicking just like activating your AEG Trigger.
The development platform started at the forum discussion at Airsoft Mechanics dated Dec. 27, 2006 by RiotSC, PsypherVII, Gandolf, Jay, Bench, K-man
What is the SW-AB-LONG? - designed by Terry Fritz (Gandolf)
The SW-AB- is a MOSFET switch designed to remove the high current load from the standard AEG mechanical switch. It has an active motor break circuit to bring the motor to a stop very quickly. The LONG version is designed to fit into the fuse area of many guns and the switch has its own built-in resettable 20 amp thermal fuse. Two #16 12 inch battery wires, two #16 24 inch motor wires, and two #20 24 inch trigger switch wires are pre-attached to the PC board.
Size = 0.6 x 0.5 x 2.0 inches
Fuse Current = 20 Amps
Voltage = 8 to 16 VDC
Peak Current = 160 Amps
Active breaking time = 100mS
1. Full active breaking that is gentle enough not to harm the motor but still stops the motor very quickly.
2. Fully assembled, production tested.
3. Built in 20 amp automatically resetting thermal fuse.
4. All wires supplied and attached to the PC board.
5. Built in heatsink.
6. The MOSFETs are fully protected against voltage spikes from the motor.
7. It is almost impossible to cross conduct the MOSFETs.
8. Fully protected against static discharge.
9. Advanced break timing circuit.
10. The circuit draws no current when not triggered.
11. The trigger circuit needs considerable current to turn on preventing false firing from condensation, grease, etc.
12. Uses surface mount parts to minimize size.
13. Very tolerant of bad wiring, bad layout, noise, etc.
14. Failure of the active breaking MOSFET can't turn the gun uncontrollably on.
15. New low heating trip circuit prevents damage under very long term short circuit conditions